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January 22, 2015

Chatting with the cat: What would your cat ask you if they could?

Posted by: Best Friends

January 22nd is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day! In celebration of this feline holiday, the Dog Dish writers asked one of our staff kitties, Lulu Kitty, to sit down for an interview with us (between naps of course), and ask us some of the more pressing questions she has about life as the world’s most pampered house cat.

Dog Dish: Hi Lulu Kitty. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us.

Lulu Kitty: (yawning) You’re welcome. I’m glad I have the chance to ask about a few things that have been bugging me.

First of all, why in the world do I get yelled at for getting on the kitchen counters or on the fridge? Don’t you know I like to be up high so I can survey my domain?

DD: We know you are curious, but we like to keep things tidy in the kitchen, and kitty paws and hair on the counters where we make our food are not a good combination. We also don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.

LK: Well, If you don’t want me up there, maybe you should consider getting me a cat tree so that I have places to climb and be up high. Cat trees also have great napping spots ☺

LK: Let’s talk about food. Why don’t you feed me whenever I ask or, better yet, why don’t you just keep my food bowl full all the time? You would get to sleep without my paws on your face and I would get to eat whenever I wanted – it’s a win-win!

DD: My dear Lulu, if we fed you as often as you think you need to eat, you would get fat. Kitties who are overweight are more prone to diseases like diabetes or joint problems. We have to feed you only a set amount of food each day in order to keep you healthy. We aren’t doing it to be mean, we promise!

LK: Why do you get so upset when I poop somewhere other than my litter box? Like the closet or under your bed for example?

DD: We get upset because it’s yucky and these are not fun “surprises” to find, especially if we step in them! You have a litter box for a reason.

LK: Have you seen my litter box? It’s a mess! Plus, I have to share it AND it’s in the middle of a busy room. I like things tidy too and would love to have more privacy. Maybe then there would be fewer “surprises”.

LK: On the subject of “surprises”, why do you keep bringing strangers into my house?

DD: They aren’t strangers, they are our friends. They aren’t going to hurt you. When they see you, they just want to pet you and say hello. I don’t understand why you get so freaked out and hiss at them when they try to hold you.

LK: They aren’t MY friends! Can you please just tell them to let me come to them on my own time? When they try to touch me and hold me before I have had a chance to greet/ sniff them, it makes me very nervous and when I get nervous, I may hiss or scratch. I’m a cat, it’s what I do.

DD: Understood. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us Lulu. I can tell from your yawning that you must be tired and ready for a nap.

LK: I’m exhausted from all of this talking Can I have some extra food before I go lie down?

DD: No. Nice try though.

LK: Thought it was worth a shot. See ya later.

Tags: Cats, cats, cute, holidays, pet advice, pet behavior, Pet Health, pet health, pet info, Pets, tips

Best Friends Pet Care : The Dog Dish

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