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March 19, 2015

Hero Dog Saves Puppies from Forest Fire

Posted by: Best Friends

It's not quite Mother's Day yet, but after hearing this story and watching the video, we wanted to honor one very special mother.

This story comes out of Valpairaso, Chile where firefighters were battling a raging forest fire last week. Thousands of people evacuated their homes and amongst the chaos... a miracle took place.

In one section of town, the firefighters were trying to put out the flames from a pile of tires that had caught fire. A bystander then informed them that he had seen a dog digging a large hole in the same area. The firefighters used this information to locate the hole where they found nine little puppies buried inside.

The mother of these pups must have sensed the impending danger and took action. She dug a deep burrow where she buried the puppies in order to protect them from the deadly blaze and suffocating smoke. After the puppies were tucked away she ran from the scene and sought safety for herself.

Thanks to this courageous dog mother, the caring community and the firefighters, all nine pups made it out of the blaze alive and well and were reunited with their mom!

You can see the puppies and the incredible rescue in the video below.


To read more about this story click here.

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Tags: dog safety, dog stories, Dogs, dogs, pet health, pet info, Pet Safety, pet videos, Pets, safety

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