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February 29, 2016

Pet Dental Health Month - Basic Extraction Principles

The oral cavity has an abundant blood supply and an epithelial surface constantly bathed by saliva, a fluid rich in antimicrobial properties, resulting in oral tissue healing more rapid than skin. Sterile surgical preparation of the oral cavity for extractions is not necessary, however, using clean instruments and adequate preparation of the surgical working area is recommended. Good accessibility and exposure to the surgical site is important while creating gingival flaps to expose the tooth and alveolar bone adequately. Gentle tissue handling is used to minimize tissue trauma and promote faster healing. Appropriate instruments that are clean, sharp, well taken care of and stored properly...

Tags: Ask a Vet, Cats, cats, Dogs, dogs, health, pet advice, Pet Dental Health, Pet Health, pet health, Vet

February 22, 2016

Pet Dental Health Month - Fractured Teeth

Potential causes include previous blunt trauma, e.g., being hit by a car, running into a wall or excessive chewing on hard objects such as rocks, hard Nylabones®, cow hooves, antlers and other objects that do not soften when chewed.

Tags: Ask the Vet, Cats, cats, Contributors, Dogs, dogs, health, pet advice, Pet Dental Health, Pet Health, pet health, Vet

February 15, 2016

Pet Dental Health Month - Periodontal Treatment

Professional periodontal treatment is important to the health and well-being of dogs and cats. Poor oral health may directly affect an animal’s overall health. Recent studies have shown there is an association with advanced periodontal disease and heart disease further validating the importance of periodontal health. Other studies have shown similar implications for the relationship of periodontal disease to heart, liver and kidney disease in the dog.

Tags: Ask the Vet, Cats, Dogs, dogs, Grooming, health, pet advice, Pet dental health month, Pet Health

February 01, 2016

Pet Dental Health Month - Preventative Care

Preventive care and client education is an important step to introducing, implementing and improving overall dental and oral medical quality in your practices.  Understanding the veterinary team’s (DVMs, veterinary technicians and assistants, receptionists, managers) role in preventing periodontal disease before pathology develops through the three keys to preventive dental care are critical steps to embrace. Suggestions for partnering with your clients to actively involve them in their pet’s oral home care, understanding client perceptions, providing confident and personalized recommendations, working as a team to change and improve the hospital culture will be addressed.

Tags: Ask the Vet, Cats, cats, Dogs, dogs, health, pet advice, Pet dental health month, Pet Health, preventative pet care

January 25, 2016

February is National Pet Dental Health Month

Posted by: Best Friends

Anyone who has ever been loved by a dog knows that “doggy breath” is not always the most pleasant smell but did you know that halitosis might actually be a sign of a bigger problem?  According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by the age of 3! We all know that brushing and flossing is important to keep our own teeth healthy but your furry family members need the same care and attention to their oral health.

Tags: Cats, cats, Dental Health Month, Dentistry, Dogs, dogs, Grooming, Pet Health, pet health

January 21, 2016

What are the recommended daily servings for my pet based on?

Posted by: Best Friends

Not only is the type of food that we feed our furry family members important but, it is also critical to know HOW MUCH we should be feeding. We are often asked, “How much of this food should I be feeding my pet per day?” and the answer is, “It depends.” We aren’t trying to be difficult, we promise. The reality is however, that a lot of different factors go into determining what the right amount of food is for your pet.

Tags: Ask the Vet, Cats, Diet, Dogs, dogs, health, pet advice, Pet Food, Pet Health, Pets, tips, Weight

January 14, 2016

Alternative nutrition trends for your pet: are they all they claim to be?

Posted by: Best Friends

Companies have discovered that pet food is big business and as a result, there is an explosion of new diets out there for pets. According to the American Pet Products Association, pet owners spent approximately 23 billion (!) dollars just on pet food in 2015. Diets ranging from organic to raw to limited-ingredient varieties have hit store shelves and can make choosing the best diet for your pet a very daunting experience. So how do you know if they are as good as they say they are? Here’s a primer on what to consider next time you are shopping in the pet food aisle.

Tags: Cats, Dogs, Limited Ingredient Diets, Organic Pet Food, Pet Food, Pet Health, Raw Food Diets

January 11, 2016

Angel Tree Campaign Raises $25,000 for Homeless Animals

Posted by: Best Friends

Best Friends Total Pet Care and it animal-loving clients across the country showed their concern for homeless dogs and cats this recent holiday season by donating more than $25,000 worth in cash and supplies to the company’s 15th annual Animal Angel Tree campaign.  

Tags: Angel Tree, Animal Shelters, Cats, Dog Rescues, Dogs, dogs, donations, holidays

January 07, 2016

It’s the New Year! Did you make resolutions for your pets in 2016?

Posted by: Best Friends

It’s that time of year where hope springs eternal and we resolve to make positive changes for ourselves AND our fur babies. Given the temptation of yummy treats over the holidays, these resolutions are often centered around health and weight. Be honest, did your pet put on a few pound over the holidays? If you and your pet have resolved to greet 2016 with a new food attitude, here are some tips to help you, help your pet:

Tags: Cats, cats, Dogs, dogs, Food, Pet Health, pet health, Treats

December 15, 2015

Protect Your Family Pets From Holiday Hazards

Posted by: Best Friends

It may be “the most wonderful time of the year,” but it can also be the most dangerous for your pet. Holiday decorations and festive foods can put your pet at risk, so take precautions to prevent holiday mishaps.

Tags: Cats, cats, Dogs, dogs, health, holidays, Pet Health, Pet Safety, safety

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